The Sport of Ski Jumping

Many sports enthusiasts take skiing to the next level by engaging in ski jumping. This is a fun and adventurous type of winter sport that people engage in for fun or to be part of various competitions. They are judged on the length of their jumps and they earn points for their performance. Both men and women participate in ski jumping competitions held at various ski resorts and in the Winter Olympic Games.

Each participant can earn up to 20 points for their jump, with the points totaled by a panel of five judges. They areas of their individual style that are judged include how steady the skis remain while they are in the air, the amount of balance that the participant has throughout the event, and the manner in which they land.

The person is bend almost all the way forward during the jump, almost parallel to their skis. This body angle is what gives them the dynamics to be able to jump long distances. No ski poles are used for ski jumping so the arms are tucked tightly at the sides of the body to help with the distance factor. If you aren’t sure how to use your body for a quality landing you can imagine the tumble you are going to take from this position.

The distance that a person can ski jump depends on the type of equipment they have. You need different boots and skis than what you use for regular skiing. In practice, the skier only jumps short distances to begin with and then eventually works up to the longer distances. In Olympic competitions the ramp that the ski jumpers go down is 76 feet and they generally launch at just over 30 miles per hour. Their overall jump distance is between 270 feet and 360 feet. Of course those that engage in ski jumping for fun generally won’t come close to that distance, but this is still a fun sport that allows you to glide through the air.

Most ski resorts that offer ski jumping don’t have ramps that go half this distance in order to offer a safe place for people to practice. If you want to attempt the more daring distances for ski jumping you will likely have to get with a personal trainer. It is important to wear the proper safety equipment regardless of the length of the ramp you are using for ski jumping. There is too high of a risk not to use the necessary safety equipment.

To prevent head injuries, a quality helmet is essential. It needs to strap underneath the chin and have a soft strap with padding for the chin area. A quality ski jumping suit is also required to help with wind resistance and to keep the body warm. It is important to wear the right style of boots and skis for this type of winter sport as well. The skis are much wider and longer than those used for regular skiing.

Of all the different types of skiing you can try, ski jumping is one of the most difficult to master. Learning to rely on your body for the majority of the movements is very difficult and requires immense concentration as well as body strength. If you are very flexible and enjoy skiing though this can offer a very good challenge. Stay safe and have fun though so that you can enjoy your adventures while ski jumping.  

Special Olympics Winter Games

Special  Winter olypmic Games

Since 1968 the Special Olympics Winter Games have been taking place at selected locations around the world. They take place every two years which is different from the traditional Winter Olympic Games which only take place every four years. While there are less people in the Special Olympics Winter Games than the regular Olympics, the amount of effort and training the participants put into it is the same.

All participants in the Special Olympic Winter Games must be at least 8 years of age. There is no limit for hold old a person is before they can no longer be a part of the Special Olympic Winter Games. This program is designed to help these individuals stay healthy by getting plenty of exercise and to help them develop positive self esteem.

Each participant in the Special Olympic Winter Games is taught the essentials of their particular sport. They have to abide by the Code of Conduct which mandates that they are respectful of themselves and others. They have to use effective communication skills that don’t include talking down to others or abusive language. They have to agree to be dedicated to the training program and to work to the very best of their abilities.

As the number of participants in the Special Olympics grows more people are needed to assist them. It is very common for older people who has previously participated in the Special Olympic Winter Games to move into helping to train others. This allows them to continue being a vital part of this organization.

They also have to provide written verification from professionals verifying that they do have the symptoms of an intellectual disability, delays with their cognitive abilities, or a developmental disability. As a result of one or more of these issues the person must experience challenges due to difficulties with their development, ability to learn, or their ability to adapt to the situation.

The division that a participant will be in is determined by an overall score based on a serious of factors. Their individual abilities are taken into consideration, their age, and their gender. Various types of disabilities will affect their overall score so that they are placed in the right division to offer them a challenge but to also take their personal needs into consideration.

The various sporting events available for the Special Olympic Winter Games include Alpine skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, figure skating, and ice hockey. The rules used in the games are different than those for the traditional Winter Olympic Games. The rules of the Special Olympics version are determined by the sponsors, coaches, and families of those with the disabilities. They are then approved or denied by the International Sports Federations and National Governing Bodies.

Each year in January the current rules are reviewed and any submissions for changes are reviewed. This process ensures the rules in place are offering a safe and fun environment for those participating in the Special Olympics Winter Games to enjoy.

The 2007 Special Olympics Winter Games have just concluded in Shanghi, China. Winter Games and the number of people for 2012 however to be even higher. Boise, Idaho in the United States on the other hand has not being selected to host the 2012 games. The Special Olympics continues to work with the help of volunteers to offer training to more than 2 million people with disabilities in more than 165 countries.

Tips for Learning how to Ski

Learning how to ski is a great way to ensure you can be a part of the outdoor fun taking place this winter. This is one of the most popular winter sports and it can be a fun activity for the entire family to enjoy. It is a good idea to take free lessons that are taught at most ski resorts instead of trying to learn to ski on your own. These qualified instructors can tell you exactly what your strengths are and help you to work on your weaknesses.

Some ski instruction classes last for a couple of hours and others can last for a couple of days. Your instructor will be able to determine if you should be moved up to another class based on the basic skills you exhibit initially. You want to take instructions for a class that only has a few students. This way everyone can get plenty of individual attention.

Be prepared for the process of learning how to ski though and have fun with it. The more relaxed you are the easier it is going to be. Too many people get tense while they are learning and this leads to even more falls along the way. The truth of the matter is that you are going to fall plenty while learning to ski so stop being afraid it is going to happen. Instead focus on increasing the amount of time between each fall and celebrate as you reach these goals.

You really need to focus on learning how to control your movements while on a pair of skis so you don’t lose control or start going too fast to be safe. Keeping your knees bent with help to ensure you can avoid injury as you learn how to ski. Remember that everyone learns new things at a different pace so don’t compare yourself to what others out there are doing. As you become more comfortable on your skis, you will be able to identify your rhythm as you turn and glide along the snow.

Having the right equipment when you are learning how to ski will help you learn the basics faster. It will also help you remain safe. You should have on ski boots that fit you well and be dressed in layers. The top layer should be a waterproof wet suit because it is going to be very hard to focus on learning how to ski when you are freezing.

Even though it is best to have your own equipment for skiing, beginners often don’t want to shell out the hundreds of dollars to buy it. That is quite understandable though because they haven’t yet made up their mind if they want to pursue this type of sport on an ongoing basis. Just make sure any ski equipment that you borrow or rent is a good fit for you.

It takes plenty of practice to learn how to ski so don’t think this is something you are going to master right away. Too many people get the idea that skiing is a piece of cake when they watch other people do it. Stick with it though and in a short period of time you too will be graceful gliding down the slopes and having a great time doing it.

Keeping Warm during Winter Sports

Many people love to engage in various sports that take place outdoors during the winter months. However, it is vital that you know how to keep yourself warm so that you don’t become ill or suffer from frostbite. It is also important that you stay hydrated as your will lose body heat if your body is lacking the right amount of water to regulate your temperature.

Since you don’t really know what the temperature is going to be like from one moment to the next in winter, you just have to be prepared for it. While it may warm up during the afternoon the temperature can rapidly dip in the morning and the late afternoon. You will likely generate body heat to stay warm if you are engaging in a winter sport that keeps you moving such as ice skating, skiing, sledding, or ice hockey.

Dressing in layers is a very important for you to stay warm during winter sports. There are particular types of clothing that work well for various sports so pay attention. You want to have three distinct layers of clothing – they base layer, the under layer, and then the outer layer.

Underneath the clothing wear a cotton under shirt which will allow your skin to breath. For winter sports such as skiing you will want to wear thermal underwear and then a snowsuit. Hats and gloves with thermal linings are very helpful too. Most of the body heat a person loses is from their head so a hat is very important.

The boots or shoes you use for a particular winter sport are very important as well. They need to be designed to offer you plenty of traction as well as mobility. They need to keep your feet dry and warm so you won’t suffer from frostbite on your toes. There are special tennis shoes designed for running in the winter time that will prevent you from slipping due to ice or snow.

Various types of foods and drinks can help to keep you warm during winter sports as well. Soups and stew are very nutritious and they will keep you warm. Hot drinks such as coffee, tea, coca, and cider will help to warm you up as well. Enjoying these types of foods will also serve to help you maintain your energy while enjoying winter sports.

Pay close attention to the signs your body gives you to warn that you aren’t staying warm enough during winter sports. You don’t want to find yourself far away from shelter and extremely cold. Knowing where you are at and where you can find shelter from the cold is very important. Hypothermia can set in if you get too hot while engaging in winter sports and then the sweat from the process makes you cold. You will loose too much body heat this way so pay attention to the physical abilities of your body.

Enjoying winter sports is a great way to have fun and to keep your body healthy. However, it is very important that you do everything you can to stay warm. Serious injuries or death can occur if you aren’t prepared for the elements. Make sure you also have a cell phone, food, blankets, and flares stocked in your vehicle. You never know if you will get stranded driving to or from any type of winter sports activity. You always want to be prepared. Make sure you have at least one other person with you as well.

Get your Body Ready for Winter Sports

There is a wide selection of winter sports that you can participate in. This is a much better option than spending the winter indoors being a couch potato. It is important to realize that your body will respond differently to winter sports. Many people find it is harder to breath and they have to wear heavier clothing while engaging in the sporting events in most instances.

You need to take a very realistic approach to getting your body ready for winter sports. Take an honest assessment of your current fitness level and compare it to where you want to be. Then work hard to implement a successful exercise plan that is going to allow you to reach that goal. Don’t wait until winter starts to make changes so you will be ready for the various winter sports you want to be a part of. If you have any medical concerns you need to consult with your doctor before you begin any program to get ready for winter sports.

Try to spend up to 30 minutes at a time out in the winter weather walking or running. You should be able to do these feats without running out of breath. If you aren’t able to do this than work on it several days per week until you can. Eating a balanced diet will help you achieve this as well. Too many foods that we consume are full of carbohydrates and sugars that cause the body to feel tired. Eating right will help you have the energy you need and built lean muscle mass.

Once you have completed this without too much trouble you should start adding some aerobics and resistance exercises at least 15 minutes a day, three to four days per week. Make sure you are stretching during both of these projects to get your body in shape for winter sports. This way you reduce the risk of getting hurt while you engage in them.

Make sure you take the time to celebrate the success you have made. When you feel like you still have so much work to do, focus on what you have already accomplished. Nothing motivates a person to continue moving forward towards their overall winter fitness goals like identifying where they are at now compared to where they started from.

If you have a specific winter sport that you will want to engage in you need to look for exercises that are going to strengthen the weak areas of your body that are needed to do a good job at it. For example if you want to go ice skating you are going to need to build up strength in your legs and ankles.

For many people that want to engage in different types of skiing, they need to improve their upper arm strength. You may be surprised at how much better you will be able to ski if your arms are strong enough to help with the balance instead of placing all the responsibility on your legs.

Make sure you pay close attention to any problems during winter sports that may be a sign that you need to take a break or seek medical attention. If you feel pain in the chest, arms, or the jaw you should see a doctor. This can be a symptom of a very serious medical issue including a heart attack. If you get short of breath you should discontinue the sport and walk around until you are breathing normally again.

In order to enjoy winter sports to their fullest, you really need to be able to take your time to prepare your body. Building up the strength in your legs and arms will help you do well in the various sports offered this time of year. As you spend more time outdoors in the winter your will find your body is able to respond to the cold weather better than before.